Why You Should Invest In Good Branding


In today’s age, where the business landscape is thoroughly disrupted and consumers are becoming more agile, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd of businesses that are also vying for meaningful connection and attention. So before you get to delve into marketing strategies, digital campaigns, or sales techniques, there’s a fundamental step that needs to be prioritized more than ever, which is crafting a brand identity that truly captures the essence of your business – your why.

With technology making it simpler than ever for individuals to create their own identity, we’re also witnessing a surge in new businesses sprouting up every day. Think of how many concept coffee shops and bars we’ve seen to this day — each has its own brand identity and personality that people love coming back to. With more competition out there, the more there is for the need to find your identity and set yourself apart from competitors. 

But to create a truly memorable brand, being fast or first is not enough, you also need to “stick”, which is what good branding does. Here’s why:

  1. Good branding stands the test of time. 

    Michael Beirut once quoted: “Most people comment on logo launches as if they’re judging a diving competition when they should be judging a swimming competition.” Usually, when brands create a logo, people tend to judge it like a diving competition – which of them makes the most splash or the littlest? But really the test of a successful business is really through time. 

    Sure, a nice logo will definitely catch people’s attention, but it’s important to note that it’s also about creating a cohesive and consistent brand experience that resonates with them. Your visual and verbal identity must be defined well to set yourself apart from others – you have to consider how your art direction looks and how you describe yourself as a brand.  If you truly want to grow your business, you have to think long-term. For your brand to truly stay in someone’s mind for a long time, you must have good branding.

    Check out what we did for Mr. Kimbob, Ivo, and Snack Time.
  2. Good branding communicates your purpose.

    It’s all about your why — your brand’s purpose. It’s about making sure that your brand communicates its purpose in a way that everyone can understand. It’s like giving your brand a voice that speaks directly to the hearts and minds of your audience. For example, you’re meeting someone for the first time. What would you want them to know about you? Your values, your mission, your goals – these are the elements that shape your brand. It’s not just about selling a product or service; it’s about creating a connection.

    At its essence, good branding serves as a guide for people toward a deep understanding of what you stand for and what you aim to achieve. It’s about making sure that when someone encounters your brand, they don’t just see a logo; they understand the story behind it.

    Check out what we did for Terranza, and Como.
  3. Good branding boosts your marketing efforts.

    Branding and marketing go hand in hand. Without good branding, your marketing initiatives might fall apart. Think of marketing as an extension of your brand. When you promote your business online, you’re not just selling a product or service; you’re selling an identity. Good branding ensures that everything in your marketing toolkit aligns seamlessly, telling a consistent story about who you are and what you stand for.

    From making content strategies designing social media posts, to running digital campaigns, your branding should be the thread that ties everything together. This consistency doesn’t just make your marketing materials visually appealing; it also builds trust. When people see a cohesive and well-defined brand, they feel more confident engaging with your business.

    Check out what we did for Mirani and Terranza.

Whether you have a small or big business, good branding speaks volumes. It’s a thorough process that takes time to leave a lasting impact.

In the world of business, branding is not a sprint but a marathon. Investing in your brand is the cornerstone for longevity and sustained success. If you’re eyeing for business sustainability, branding is your first step. Know your why and let it echo through every interaction, every piece of content, and every visual element associated with your brand. In this marathon of business, it’s not the sprinters who leave a lasting impact; it’s the ones who understand the power of good branding. And here at Sunday Studio, we can help you understand and do your branding right. 

Let’s work together!

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