How to Build a Design Culture in Your SME


Many might think being seen as an SME is easy in today’s market. After all, modern technology has made it possible to reach more people. However, you are not alone in this game. Your competitors are also using the same tools, the same platforms, and the same tactics to attract and retain customers. It’s quite the puzzle to piece trying to make your brand and reputation stand out in a busy and noisy space. It’s a challenge that we, as a creative studio, have realized early and one that many SMEs often overlook– the power good design holds.

Good Design Goes Beyond Appearance

Many SMEs think good design is just about making things look nice. They focus on the superficial aspects of design such as colors, fonts, and shapes. But it’s much more than that. It’s about finding the right balance between form and function, beauty and usability. It’s about creating a strong identity, communicating a clear message, and evoking an emotional response. It’s an often missed opportunity to use design as a powerful tool to grow a business and tell its story to connect with its audience on an emotional level. These are what make them relatable and human to their customers and stakeholders. It is what brings out authenticity and trustworthiness to partners and investors. It’s what gives meaning and impact to the community and society.

With almost 10 years of experience in the design industry, here are some of the best ways and platforms we leverage to enhance SMEs:

  1. Good Branding is Good Business
    Branding is hardly the first thing you note when you launch your SME venture. You have a product, you focus on selling it. You have a service, you focus on telling everyone about it. There’s nothing wrong with being straightforward with your business— you just need to finesse it better.
    • Good branding sets you apart from your competitors. It makes your business memorable, making it easier for your audience to recall. Sometimes even associate you with your product or service and solidify your place in the vast sea of SMEs. 
    • Branding builds your reputation and relationship with your consumers. When you show your values, vision, and mission through good design that touches, you earn the trust and satisfaction of both your customers and stakeholders. 

      Here at Sunday Studio, we can help you secure the key to what every SME longs for– stable branding that holds a lasting impact.

      See what we did here for Global Ambition.
  2. A Voice that Empowers is a Voice that Matters
    In an era where AI is dominant, the standards for conveying a meaningful message have risen higher. The pool of individuals with spending power in this generation is cautious of the services and products they avail. They favor those with sincere intentions, not hollow promises for the sake of selling. To earn their money, you need to earn their faith, and to earn their faith, your words need to be of worth. And often, the right word choice is the common bottleneck of SMEs. You don’t want to sound too confident that you’re branded a liar and you also don’t want to be too modest that your voice becomes powerless and just easily fades away. It’s a matter of finding the balance between “Are you here because you have to say something? Or are you here because you have something to say?”

    This is where the skill of design in the realm of words comes into play and here at Sunday Studio, we can help you amplify your voice so you can communicate to your audience with mindful intentions.

    See what we did for Potato Corner’s Tagline Rebranding
  3. A Strong Website
    Your website is your online profile and your digital store. It’s where you can display your products or services and share your story. Not to mention, it’s also a game-changer when you want to increase your searchability and online presence. A strong website is not just about how it looks, but how it works; it should be easy to navigate, fast to load, and secure to use. It needs to be user-friendly and responsive to match the needs and expectations of your audience. 

    See what we did for myCode
  4. Scroll-Stopping Social Media Presence
    Social media is a powerful way to connect and engage with your customers while strengthening your brand reputation. Think of it as a public diary where your brand gets to share what’s trendy, what’s going on, and what’s coming up in a way that makes the audience stop scrolling and start listening. Here at Sunday Studio, we can help you get a better command of social media through campaigns, graphics, and copywriting that entices.

    See what we did for Skin
  5. Captivating Reels
    Short-form videos are a great way to connect and engage with your audience, especially on social media platforms. You get to showcase your products or services, tell your story, and above all, weave a brief tale that motivates action. Your audience’s attention is valuable and something you have to capture in a few moments. This is your opportunity to charm them with your design and make them curious about what you bring to the table.

    See why here
  6. Eye-catching Graphic Designs
    Designs can help you with any graphic design needs you may have such as flyers, marketing collaterals, or designs for your products. These allow you to express your message visually and aesthetically. It’s also where you get to explore and find a style that resonates with your core values and at the same time, concretizes your identity that sticks with your audience.

    See what we did for Swathe
  7. Photography and Imagery
    Nothing can capture the beauty and realism of your products or services like photoshoots. They not only make your business offerings more visible, but they also allow you to witness the artistry of arranging a photoshoot.

    See what we die for Antonio Uno
  8. Stunning Motion Graphics and Company Videos
    Motion graphics and video production bring your brand to life, literally. GIFs, animations, and interactive media can help you convey your concepts or processes in a way that impresses your customers and partners. It’s also a great way to demonstrate the kind of quality that your SME creates. Here at Sunday Studio, we can help you create animated media that make your concepts more unique.

    See what we did here for iSupport

Achieving good design requires more than aesthetics. It’s about balancing form and function, beauty and usability. 

At Sunday Studio, our perception of good design goes beyond what the eyes see at first glance. “Good” design is honest, it does not make false promises to the consumer. Good “design” is mindful as it pays attention to all the details, the sensitivities, the needs, and the experiences of the general public. It doesn’t care for our preferences and biases as the creators but the expectations, thoughts, and desires of those it is made for. “Good design” is the end result of everything involved in the creative process– from research to strategy, from concept to execution, and from feedback to improvement. It is a process that repeats but is never the same.

But actualizing good design is not something that can be achieved alone. As a design studio that built our view of design from the ground up, we know that it isn’t just a product but a collective effort, a journey, and a story. One that has meaning and leaves an impact.

Let’s work together!

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