Growth Mindset is Good for Creativity


“It’s all about mindset; from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep.” You’ve probably heard this phrase from motivational speakers and there is a good reason why. The way you think shapes your attitudes, actions, and ultimately your successes and failures. Everything you do on that day is because of your mindset; but what good would it do if it doesn’t drive you toward growth?

Over 30 years ago, Dr. Carol Dweck, an American psychologist, coined the term Growth Mindset. At its core, Growth Mindset is about embracing the belief that we have the capacity to change and grow as individuals, regardless of our starting point.

But here’s the thing: adopting a Growth Mindset isn’t something that magically happens overnight. It’s a conscious choice we make, a commitment to ourselves to put in the effort and seek opportunities for growth. When we approach life with this mindset, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities – and for us creatives, this means unlocking doors of creative opportunity we never thought possible. 

What does Growth Mindset mean for us in the world of creativity?

In the world of creativity, when we adopt a Growth Mindset, we let go of the notion that talent alone dictates our creative journey. What we may have created when we were fifteen years old no longer defines the limits of our abilities – we recognize that creativity is a muscle that can be strengthened and developed over time. When we say “I can learn new things,” we might as well add: “I can create new things.”

Ultimately, embracing a Growth Mindset in the world of creativity empowers us to overcome self-limiting beliefs, expand our horizons, and tap into our true potential as a creative. Have any doubts about yourself as an artist? You have to tell yourself “It’s okay. I will try again. I can do better.” With this mindset, we start to view creativity as a lifelong journey of exploration and discovery, with endless possibilities for growth and creation.

What does Growth Mindset mean for us in Sunday Studio?

“We grow as you grow.” This encapsulates what our vision is that we apply daily. A growth mindset is something we instill in all of our team members because we want everyone to grow holistically and find individual fulfillment or growth. 

For us, embracing this mindset means investing in all our team members’ personal and professional growth. We provide opportunities for learning, encourage stepping outside comfort zones, and celebrate both small and big wins along the way. Through this commitment to our vision, we build a strong foundation for a motivated workforce and drive innovation within Sunday Studio.

But our commitment to growth goes beyond mere words. It’s a daily practice ingrained in our company culture, and here’s how we do it: 

  1. We create a culture of openness
    We foster a culture of openness where ideas flow freely, and everyone’s voice is heard. By cultivating this culture, we create an environment where creativity flourishes and innovation takes root!
  1. We value feedback 
    Feedback is at the core of our growth and improvement. By actively seeking feedback, we continuously hone our skills and deliver better. Embracing feedback helps us grow and elevate our work to new heights.
  1. We practice self-awareness 
    Self-awareness is a cornerstone of personal and professional development. We believe in being receptive to feedback and reflecting on our own actions and behaviors. This self-reflection enables us to grow, adapt, and become better versions of ourselves.
  1. We acknowledge that change is equal to growth
    Change is an essential part of growth, and we embrace it wholeheartedly. We acknowledge that to evolve and achieve greater heights, we must be open to change in our perspectives, approaches, and ways of working. By embracing change, we create opportunities for growth, innovation, and continuous learning that drive us forward.
  1. We kill our f*cking egos
    At Sunday Studio, we leave our egos at the door and prioritize growth over personal pride. We understand that true growth comes from being open to feedback, accepting new knowledge, and recognizing that we don’t have all the answers. By killing our f*cking egos, we create an environment that fosters collaboration, encourages learning from others, and drives growth.

Growth is an ongoing process that can’t afford to hit the brakes. There will always be change in every aspect of our lives and we need to keep pushing forward to stay ahead of the curve, even if it means we are a work in progress. If we stop learning and growing, that means we’ve reached the end of the line and our purpose here is done. 

Being a work in progress shouldn’t be a bad thing – it just means you’re open to creating bigger things.

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