Digital Innovations that Redefine HR Experience


In today’s fast-paced world, Human Resources has the opportunity to embrace and be in the digital era. While this industry has functioned well with traditional ways of marketing, it also needs to maximize the use of good design and digital marketing to help transform its processes, such as recruitment strategies, onboarding processes, and digital presence. After all, no company can thrive alone without HR, and as the workforce demands evolve, HR must equip itself with the right tools. 

So, how can we help the HR Industry thrive in digital?

  1. Employer Branding
    Now more than ever, candidates make sure they’re joining a company best fitted to their values and benefits that matter to them. And that’s where employer branding comes in!

    We help companies by using proven strategies we’ve used for brands and products – from finding unique company value propositions and turning them into cohesive employer branding to providing strategies that help them stand out from competitors. If the employer branding is clear, it will be easier for HR practitioners to implement activities and initiatives that help retain employees and capture the attention of potential candidates. 

    Check out what we did for Jollibee Foods Corporation.
  1. Video Production

    With everything digital, there’s no need for lengthy physical documents and text-heavy materials. Now, we can make audio-visual presentations (AVP) through video production!

    To craft a high-quality video, we make a compelling story based on the company’s history and culture and produce videos that capture future employers’ attention. From cohesive employer branding videos to culture videos, the company can deliver information much easier!

    Check out what we did for Stars and Dreams Cruises.
  1. Social Media Recruitment Marketing

    With a good strategy comes a strong digital presence, and meeting people where they are, especially on social media, opens many opportunities and potential for HR practitioners to maximize these platforms for recruitment.

    When it comes to attracting candidates online, we establish and manage the company’s social media pages and strategize on how we can achieve their goals: from creating content plans to leveraging the power of paid ads, and SEO, HR practitioners now can reach a wider audience and attract potential candidates for the company.

    Check out what we did for Infosys.
  1. Content Creation

    Content remains king in social media, but for a company to cut through the noise, one must have good content that resonates with the audience. 

    One of the potentials of digital marketing now is we can be as creative as we can be! With our mobile production, we help companies translate their core values in a more creative way where candidates can see them in a different and more authentic light, from Tiktok videos to testimonial posts. Here, we share a closer look at workplace culture, values, and even the company’s benefits. This way, potential candidates can glimpse what working in the company’s environment is like.

    Check out what we did for Grow With Sunday.
  1. Careers Page Website 

    Another tool we maximize is a website. With a customized website, we have the opportunity to bring audiences a unique experience.

    With our website design and development expertise, we create an intentional and immersive experience where candidates can explore the company’s latest news and work, events, and essential information. We also create platforms where candidates can easily send application forms and explore other job opportunities in the company!

    Check out what we did for Del Monte.
  1. Digital Onboarding Experience

    Providing good design for the HR Industry extends beyond recruitment marketing – it should continue into onboarding. 

    From orientation to the entire employee journey, we bring all the information to life using motion graphics; with the help of these animated videos, all the processes and training won’t be too repetitive, making everything easier for the HR practitioner. New employees can also see how the company truly cares for their employees. 

    Check out what we did for UnionBank and Coca-cola.

HR isn’t just about paperwork; this industry also needs good design. The true impact of HR marketing lies not only in streamlining recruitment processes but also in professionalizing digital assets. And here at Sunday, we’ve helped a lot of companies deliver good design for their HR department. Let’s work together!  

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